
Making a decision about where your child will go to school is not easy.

We extend a warm welcome to parents and families for a guided tour our vibrant little school, explore what we have to offer and to discuss your child’s educational future with us.

2025 Enrolments now open


To arrange a tour of our school please call 03 5581 1131 or email principal@shcasterton.catholic.edu.au to organise a time.

If you are wanting to enrol your child for the 2025 school year please download and complete the enrolment form from the link below and return to the school office. Alternatively, you can visit or contact the school for a paper copy of this enrolment form.

In the meantime, please contact Suzie McManus, Principal, at the above email address or contact number to discuss your child’s educational needs.

Submit Enrolment Enquiry

Application For Enrolment

Parent Information Booklet 2023

Frequently Asked Enrolment Questions

We would like to share with you some of our most common questions that are asked at our Learning walks. Follow the links below and as always, please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions or queries.

Catholic Schooling – Frequently Asked Questions

Teaching and Learning – Frequently Asked Questions

Behaviour and Emotional Support – Frequently Asked Questions

Fees & Levies – Frequently Asked Questions

Bus Travel – Frequently Asked Questions

School Readiness

Starting school is a big step for children to make. At Sacred Heart, families and students are assisted in this transition through the provision of Enrolment tours, Enrolment interviews, Parent Information sessions, School familiarisation visits and an Orientation Day.

If parents have any questions about their child’s readiness for school please refer to the 

Australian Government’s information about School Readiness. Parents are welcome to contact the School office to make an appointment to discuss the needs of their child.

Australian Government’s information about school readiness